Saturday, July 28, 2012

Web Design Principles You Should Adopt

People who spend hours on the internet are constantly inundated with examples of websites that have not followed proper design protocols. Some websites may look exciting, but they end up not being able to work very well. Other websites that need the help of a good web designer are ones that run well but aren't aesthetically pleasing.

The only way for websites across the board to demonstrate good web design is for the experienced professionals of the internet to show the path to better websites. If you can use your website as a demonstration of the way that web design should be, you'll help others realize the errors of their ways. In order to accomplish this task, we'll help out by providing some of the biggest things to look for in good web design. Implement these features into your website and see your web traffic increase almost immediately.

When it comes to ways to improve web design, the use of flashy graphics on web pages is the biggest thing to consider. You may find that flashy graphics and images can be quite attractive when seen on their own, they turn into nothing more than a distraction when added to the milieu of a complete web page. Good web designers will avoid the use of these kinds of graphics because they are a way for your visitors to miss out on the actual content you want them to see.

There are occasions where flashy graphics may be a useful tool on a website (in most cases, these kinds of sites will be intended for children), but even these pages should contain no more than one image per page. If you want to play your part in stopping the loss of attention span that is happening lately, then this is an important thing to do.

The speed at which a user can load a website is another area where good web design can really shine through the rest. The biggest drains on a website's loading time are embedded graphics and images that are simply much larger than they need to be. In many cases, image file sizes can be reduced without much loss in quality or effectiveness when viewed on the internet.

Sometimes, building an entire website is not the best option,  and in these cases, you should consider setting up micro sites.

There are a few instances where a higher-resolution photo could make a stronger impact, but these should be an option that users can click on to see. This will make it so that only people who actually want to see the high-resolution image need to wait on the image to make it through your bandwidth. The internet improves every time good web design like this is practiced.

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  1. Good for those starting in Mootools. Especially teaching to remove Javascript from inline HTML elements and containing them in Javascript files. There's a link to an article about doing just that, as well as some additional tips to make things nice.
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  2. A good website design is very important for any business. It is advised to not design heavy sites .now a days website design growth is extreme level but how effective that website.Web Design Bangalore

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  4. I already enjoyed the entire article. According to me, if anyone know these principles, he definitely will make a good website for business. Thanks for sharing this such nice information.

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  5. Its really amazing website design principles. I think every web designer should adopt these tips.Thanks

  6. Good post! Thanks for sharing this information I appreciate it. God bless!

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  7. Yeah, I completely agree that a good website designing is really very important thing to impress users.

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